Informasjonskapsler og datapolitikk

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Informasjonskapsler (cookies) och Privacy Policy



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Information om cookies

Her finner du informasjon om informasjonskapsler (cookies) og hvordan vi bruker dette på Ved å bruke samtykker du i at vi kan sette informasjonskapsler i din nettleser.

Cookies (informasjonskapsler) er en standard teknologi som stort sett alle nettsider bruker i dag. En cookie er en liten mengde tekst som lagres av nettleseren din når du besøker en nettside. De kan for eksempel brukes i forbindelse med statistikk som brukes til å gjøre nettsidene bedre, for å måle og forbedre relevansen til annonser, når du logger deg inn på nettsidene eller når du deler informasjon i sosiale medier.

De fleste moderne nettlesere (Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.) er innstilt på å akseptere cookies automatisk, men du kan selv velge å endre innstillingene slik at informasjonskapsler ikke blir akseptert. Vær oppmerksom på at dersom du ikke aksepterer cookies fører det til at mange nettsider ikke vil fungere optimalt. 

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Privacy Policy

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This information may be

Acrilex cares about your privacy. In order to offer our products we need to process your personal data. We protect your privacy and do not collect more information than is necessary. We also do not sell the information to third parties.

This privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal information. It also describes your rights and how you can assert your rights.

By ordering or using Acrilex products you accept our data protection policy and our processing of your personal data. You also agree that Acrilex uses electronic communication channels to communicate and send information to you.

It is important that you read and understand our data protection policy before contacting us. If you have any questions about our data protection policy you can always contact us at  [email protected].

Collect and use of data

What information do we collect?
Information that you provide to us.

You can directly or indirectly provide us with information about yourself and your company in a number of different ways, like when you order our products or when you contact us on our website, by e-mail, letter or phone. When you sign up to newsletters or interact on our social media.

This information may be

Personal and contact information – Company name, organization number, address information, name, e-mail, phone number.

Payment information – Invoice address, delivery information, reference person, other invoicing information.

For how long do we keep your information?

We store data for as long as it is necessary to carry out our contractual obligations to you and for as long as required by statutory storage times.

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Will we share your information?

We will never sell your personal information to third parties without your permission.

We may share your personal information with suppliers or subcontractors in order to carry out our obligations to you. We follow legal, technical and organizational requirements to ensure that your information is handled securely.

Suppliers and subcontractors may share your personal information between themselves to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and for other purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Credit reporting companies and similar providers
Your personal information may be shared with credit reporting companies and similar service providers for the purpose of assessing your creditworthiness.

Acrilex may provide necessary information to authorities such as the police, the tax authorities or other authorities if we are required to do so by law or if you have approved that we do so. An example of a legal obligation to provide information is prevent against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Logistics and transport companies that deliver your goods. Divestment – Acrilex may share your information with third parties:

– In case that Acrilex sells or buys business or assets, Acrilex may provide your personal information to a potential seller or buyer of such business or such assets.

– If Acrilex or a significant part of Acrilex’s assets is acquired by a third party, personal information about Acrilex’s customers may be shared.

Your rights

Right to access your data
You can request a copy of the information you would like to know and verify the information we have about you.

Right to rectification
You have the right to correct incorrect or incomplete information about yourself.

Right to be erased
You have the right to request deletion of your personal data in cases where the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. However there may be legal obligations for Acrilex which prevent us from immediately deleting parts of your data. These obligations come from among other things, accounting and tax legislation, banking and money laundering legislation.

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Change of data protection policy

We may update this Privacy Policy and we will notify the change here on the website in the event of an update.

Contact us

If you have questions about the data protection policy, please contact us at [email protected].

The person responsible for personal data is Acrilex Egenvard AB with corporate identity number: 556437-8429


